Ways to Improve Your Wi-Fi Signal

Ways to Improve Your Wi-Fi Signal

You can fix issues like signal strength, speed, and performance with these tips. I recommend you to use them.

Check Why you connection is this slow 

  1. To verify that your service’s speed is correct, you can conduct a wired connection test by connecting a computer or device using an ethernet cable. After that, run a speed test using two services: the speed test provided by your service provider (in this case, Spectrum) and a speed test using a Netflix server, called fast.com. My current speed plan is 300Mbps and I can clearly see that I am receiving more than that.

. Upgrade Your Wifi Devices

It is important to take into consideration the materials of your home when it comes to signal performance. Some homes have concrete walls, others have foam insulation, and some homes built in the 1970s or earlier have mirrored walls. It is important to know what materials can negatively impact your signal. Now, you need to decide what is best for you – using the wifi provided by your internet service provider, a dedicated access point, or a router.”

  1. Position your router:

The positioning of your devices is crucial for signal performance. If you have good signal in your home, that’s great, but if not, software can help. For example, if you have a laptop, you can use programs like inSSIDer. If you have an Android device, you can use the Network Analyzer by Jiri Tecnet available on the Android store. This program utilizes graphics and the dBm scale to help you see the health of your signals. Additionally, it shows how many devices are using the same channels. Keep in mind that if more than 3 devices are using the same channels, and all of them are using intensive traffic, this can negatively impact performance. In this case, we will focus on signal range, not performance. The lower the dBm, the stronger the signal is in that area. Using the scale, -30 dBm is the maximum you can hope to have. -50 dBm is excellent, -60 dBm is good, -67 dBm is crossing the line but for devices like smart cameras, smart lights, web or email navigation is okay but gaming is a big no-no. -70 dBm is already in the red side, this signal will give you some connectivity but it’s already in the red side. If your signal goes to -80 to -90 dBm you are in a very bad spot. Your device may say connected and have 3 bars, but you won’t have connectivity.”

No matter what type of technology you are using, when setting up a wifi extender or mesh network, it is important to place the antenna within a range of -60 to 64. If the antenna is already at 67, the signal being extended will likely be weak. The performance of the extender technology relies heavily on the strength of the initial signal. Think of the extender as a bridge – if the road leading to it is in poor condition, no vehicle will be able to cross it.

Change the channel

While it is possible to improve the signal in the 2.4 range by making certain adjustments, I personally do not recommend it. The default configuration already has the ability to detect congestion and automatically adjust, so there’s usually no need to make any changes.”

Change the antennas:

When it comes to wireless devices, some have internal antennas while others have external antennas that are connected via a screw connection. These devices typically come with standard antennas, but their performance can be enhanced by upgrading to a higher-quality directional or omnidirectional antenna. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs and preferences.

  1. Eliminate devices:: 
  2. One way to improve the bandwidth of your wifi network is to remove any devices that are not currently in use on the network. For example, if you have a few tablets that are not being used, you can turn off their wifi to free up bandwidth and improve the performance of your network.

          Be clear and know what to expect

Many people believe that they will receive the full 1000Mbps (1GB) speed when using wifi, but this is not the case. Wi-fi technology has limitations on speed. Most wifi devices have two bands: one using 2.4GHz technology, which typically has a capacity of 350Mbps, and a second band using 5GHz technology, which can range in speed from 700Mbps to 900Mbps. This means that the total wifi capacity is 1300Mbps, but this needs to be divided among all devices connected to the network. For example, if you have 40 devices connected to your wifi, each device will have an average of 32Mbps. However, this can vary due to obstacles and interferences. Do not worry though, streaming a 4K movie on Netflix only requires 25Mbps and standard resolution can be easily done with just 3Mbps. Additionally, for gaming, stability is more important than speed, speed only matters when downloading files or updates.”

To improve your internet speed, first, check your wired device’s speed using a wired device. Then, use a wireless scanner to check the location of your main antenna and extenders. If necessary, move or upgrade the external antennas on your wireless access point or router. Remove any unnecessary devices from your network. If you have implemented the above steps and still have not seen an improvement in internet speed, it may be necessary to consider purchasing higher-quality wifi antenna devices, as the ones provided by your internet company may be inadequate. This can be the best way to improve your internet speed.

2 thoughts on “Ways to Improve Your Wi-Fi Signal

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