How to Create an Easy Secure Password That You’ll Never Forget

How to Create an Easy Secure Password That You’ll Never Forget

Having a secure password is important because it can help protect your information from being accessed by anyone. This includes your bank information, emails, and accounts like Uber Eats. That is why it serves as your first line of defense against unauthorized access to your accounts. It is crucial to be vigilant and not let anyone have access to your password, including your family and friends. You need to understand that passwords are personal and should not be shared.

“A common issue with creating passwords is the tendency for users to choose the same one and prioritize ease of recall over security. Passwords are often viewed as an inconvenience rather than a crucial aspect of protecting one’s information. This leads to the creation of weak and easily guessable passwords, such as using simple numbers or reusing words, short and lacking in complexity, and using personal information that can be easily obtained such as pet’s name, birthdate, or hometown.”  

Tips for Creating a Secure Password

There are many ways to create a secure password and using a password manager is the most recommended method, but not all passwords can be generated this way. My rule system can help in this aspect. The rules I suggest are simple and logical. First, use a combination of text, numbers, and special characters. The text should have a minimum of 10 letters, with at least one uppercase letter. I recommend using phrases, with one detail: I suggest including grammatical errors to make it harder for attackers using dictionary attacks to guess your password. Second, use 2-4 numbers, for example, a year, but in a different form, like 1050 or 5050. As for the special characters, you don’t have to overcomplicate it, use the ones that are easiest for you, like {money ($), intelligence (%), curiosity (&), easy (@), and lightning (!)}. Focus on the symbols at the top of the keyboard above the numbers. Some examples of secure passwords are (Idontcarewywemet5050@!), (Buutitstofaar1083$), and ($hakiraodiaApique10). These are three examples of passwords with phrases or comments, grammatical errors, numbers, and symbols. Remember that passwords are personal and should not be shared with anyone.”

“One thing you should never do is use easily guessable information for your password, such as the name of your first pet, information about your child or relative, or information about your spouse. It’s bad when an individual gets hacked or loses their Facebook account or money, all because they used publicly accessible information. You need to understand that there are professionals on the internet called Information Brokers, and these people, whether legal or illegal, can acquire all your personal information. A good example is your bank, anyone can access your credit report and see your addresses and dates every time you move, they have a lot of information, but there are also hackers on the deep web who during a data breach sell your information including your address, date of birth, phone number, social security number, and sometimes old usernames and passwords.Scammers may use social engineering techniques and tools, such as fake emails, to trick you into giving them your personal information, including your password. They may even impersonate organizations, such as your telephone company, to gain access to your phone number and security codes used for login.

Techniques for Remembering Your Password

Ahora  el problema como recordarme de un password, primero teniendo un password manager, estos programas son sencillos de instalar  y tienen normalmente una membresía muy quieres poner tu password en papel y lapiz, puedes comprar un buen password journal estos se compran en amazon y muchos tienen look de libros de lectura , permitiendo que lo tengas a simple vista , pero que no llame sospechas y por ultimo , si usas las reglas que explique anterior mente como una frace de 10 apalabrados o mas en este caso puedes usar lyrica de musica , 2 numeros y un simbolo facil de recordar como ( !@%&) puedes crear un password super fuerte sin mucha complciidad y seguro.

In summary, securing your digital life is in your control by following these guidelines, it will lower the chances of an attacker accessing your personal information. Keep your passwords in a secure location, make them complex, and change them regularly at least once a year. Avoid using the same password multiple times, if it is not necessary.

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